House: Sun 5th

You are a very creative person. Nearly everything you do is born of your own initiative; you are always starting from scratch with one project or another and trying to build it up into something. Some might call this making the invisible visible. This is true even of the way you think, for you have an inventive and original mind which is constantly forming new ideas and attempting to see how they work. You like to bring a little ray of sunshine into other people’s lives and, equally, you really respond when others bring the same into yours. Life, indeed, is pretty miserable without its sunbeams and you, more than most, react to a lack of them. Well, the sun, after all, either in literal or figurative terms, is the ultimate creator, the ultimate agency for making the invisible visible.

The fifth house relates to the fifth sign, Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun; this is one of the best positions to have the Sun in. You need for self expression shouldn’t have much trouble coming out; many stage performers and singers have this placement. The negative side of the Sun in the fifth is seeking too much recognition, to have a swollen head; to expect attention from others simply for being on the planet. Creative expression brings natural recognition, self-admiration leads to a vain show off.

You like to express and show off your creativity, either destructively or constructively. You are interested in all forms of creative self-expression, such as sports, books, acting, the dramatic, games and romance. You have the ability to enjoy life and to give enjoyment to others. Happiness comes from your artistic or creative endeavours. You need to watch a tendency to be dictatorial or to take unnecessary risks.

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