Aspect: mer sqr jup

Your enthusiasm for all that which is larger than life – the excitement of extraordinary events – can lead you on an endless chase after mental and emotional sensationalism. The paradox is, though, that such persistent chasing can over-strain your sight to the point of developing a permanent blind spot. That is, opportunities can stare you right in the face and you won’t even see them!

Your appetite for experiencing altered states, intellectually and emotionally, is legendary, and others know you for your willingness to dance with the devil. However, though this might sound amusing it’s ultimately self-destructive. There’s only one altered state you should strive for – that of overseeing, and therefore learning from, your follies!

You are optimistic, but perhaps overly so. You make promises you don’t or can’t keep. You exaggerate the telling of any story for greater effect. You may have little or no faith in a higher power because you can’t make sense of the whole issue. You love working with the big picture and want someone else to do the detailed work. You have a penchant for checking and re-checking things multiple times, just to be sure you did something in the first place, like checking to see if you really set the alarm or if you really locked the front door. You tend to do more rather than less. For example, if a recipe calls for a tablespoon, you may add a tablespoon and a half. You figure if this much is fine, then a little more makes things better. You may be intolerant of other people’s beliefs, habits or cultures. You tend to gloss over details that come back to haunt you later and you have the propensity to overestimate the potential of an idea or product. You are not intentionally mean-spirited, it’s just that you get carried away with yourself and this can be detrimental at times. You have an abundance of ideas, interests, and plans for the future, but you may find it difficult to focus on any particular area. You may devote yourself and your energies to some irrational cause. Philosophy, religion, or other areas of theoretical speculation interest you.

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