Aspect: mer cnj sat

You have good intellectual powers of structure and stick-ability. When you begin a project you usually see it through to the end. Or, put another way, you often don’t start anything until you have already visualized the outcome – which predetermines your approach to the whole thing anyway.

Your mind is scientific, serious, deep and capable of great concentration. You are a relatively slow thinker, but you are very thorough. You enjoy studying or thinking in solitude and you rarely offer an opinion on any matter until you have thoroughly considered it. You are subject to periodic bouts of depression and are cautious and reserved by nature. Conservatism is your natural mode of operation. You are something of a sceptic and may be narrow-minded and closed to new ideas, especially if you have no concrete proof or scientific evidence as to their validity and correctness. You have an aptitude for research or doing mental work which requires precise, organized thinking, attention to detail, and a methodical approach. Socially, you tend to be reserved, serious, uncommunicative and uncomfortable with light, frivolous conversation. You love work and are very conscientious about carrying out your duties and responsibilities. For you, work is fun. Anything that doesn’t accomplish something practical and productive is considered more or less a waste of time and energy. People who listen to you talk know that you speak with the confidence of authority. You have wonderful organizing ability and executive capacity. You are practical and deliberate and you have difficulty expressing your affection for others. You have a tendency toward tooth decay.

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