Aspect: sun cnj mar

You could probably scale Mt. Everest before breakfast! Physical prowess and endurance come naturally to you. So does direct action. In a crisis, you will act impulsively and without regard for your own safety or the consequences of facing danger. Being very much in tune with your instinctive feelings, you’re passionate 0and persuasive – you act as you feel, which is usually pretty hot!

With others you pull no punches and your not one to be easily thwarted. But, though your quick to flare up, you are not usually one to bear a grudge. You have great capacity for hard work and you set your sights on solid achievements, also on the honour that goes with it. You may take an interest in sport, especially the more physical, exertive types, and have a fondness for high-risk sports.

You know where you stand in life and are not afraid to make your position clear. Others may become apprehensive of you, as you seldom mince your words. At times you can be more forceful than you realize, and unintentionally cause disputes and disagreements with others. So restraint is advisable as there is a tendency to act before you think.

You are full of vitality, energy and the force of life. You have an indomitable will that does not allow you to quit or to fail. You are assertive, active, courageous and passionate. You have a strong physical drive which expresses itself through passion and sexuality or through creative enterprises. You have a fighting spirit and a desire to compete with anyone, over anything. Your magnetic personality draws people to you. There is danger here of trying to do so much that you eventually burn yourself out. Take some time to rest along the way and you will find that you actually have accomplished more by taking periodic breaks. You are driven by your desire to create, whether in business or in your personal life. You have a victorious spirit and the will to win, whatever the odds. There is impulse, high energy, speed and intensity. But all that energy needs control, discipline and the proper channelling for it to be a constructive force. This is what you must learn to do. Use your willpower to direct the energies into constructive channels. You tend to be argumentative and combative. Physical exercise is important to you so that you can work off some of the stress that having all this energy generates. This aspect favors situations where strength and muscular exertion are needed. Along with all this you have the tendency to be selfish and to only think of your own needs. Your self-interests are much more important than anyone else’s. Try to be a little more mindful of the needs of others before your own. With such powerful energies at work, you may have difficulty being humble and modest. Don’t let your ego rage out of control. Remember, too, that “pride goeth before the fall”.

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