House: Sun 10th

You are naturally independent and resourceful, and like to be involved in all the activity and hubbub of life. Not being by nature withdrawn or reflective , you’re hardly likely to feel as if you are neglecting some inner call by not staying indoors and contemplating on the mysteries of life: It’s the outside world for you! You are naturally drawn to those areas of human activity which have as their rewards recognition and
worldly status. Therefore, you have an ambition to reach the top of your field in your professional life, and will set aside nearly everything else in order to achieve this. At the same time, however, you are particularly attached to your family; you would never dream of, for instance, denying your roots merely to attain your worldly goal.

You have the desire to attain power and success, sometimes for the benefit of others or to seek success and power for yourself without thought for anyone else. The important part is that you want to shine and be recognized for your accomplishments. You want to be really good at something. There is strong motivation towards succeeding in a career and/or personal achievements. You have the ability to inspire others through your example. You are ambitious and self-aggrandizement is possible. People in high places can help or hinder your career.

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