Aspect: sat cnj ura

You find it difficult at times to change the routine of your life but it’s actually something that’s always nagging at the back of your mind – am I going forward or am I really procrastinating? You have the ability to alter your ways as much as anyone else, but it sometimes eludes you how best to go about achieving the result you want.

Depending on other factors in your horoscope, this aspect will either bring out greater magnetism or greater confusion. The struggle here is between the conservative and the liberal, the traditional and the innovative, the conventional and the eccentric, the real and down-to-earth and the visionary. Internal tension is created as you go from one side to the other, back and forth. This aspect, though, can give you the power to positively blend these different qualities in ways that are truly beneficial to all. It may not come easily, but if given the necessary repeated effort, it is certainly possible to do. You are capable of making great reforms by using discipline and structure in bringing about needed change. Your sense of order, practicality and method allows you to see the job through to the end if you will just stick with it. You must be patient as good things take time to build. Poise and calm are necessary and you must learn to control that sometimes terrible temper of yours. Lashing out at others is certain to bring harm to you in the long run. Feelings of restlessness can make you act quite impulsively. Sudden decisions or emotional outbursts made in the heat of the moment will be regretted later. Your inner tension is probably caused by holding in your emotions until those emotions reach unbearable levels. Then you explode. Learning to release these strong emotions through exercise would benefit you. Meditation or yoga are two other ways in which this tension can be channelled properly.

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