Aspect: mar opp nep

A great deal of conflict seems to take place within you regarding giving free vent to your passions and the fear that, by doing so, you will compromise, even destroy your self. You waver – at least privately – between the extremes of giving yourself rashly over to pleasure, and abstention. Needless to say, neither extreme is healthy. One of your lessons in life is to find that middle way.

It is possible, though, that you can really pursue your dreams and bring them into reality. You have the ability to do this if you approach it the right way. The right way is in staying focused, centered and disciplined. Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished without discipline and you need to realize that if you do not already. You are an artist at heart, whether your medium is song, dance, drama, poetry, music, art or painting. Any of these allow you to express the feelings you have inside and that gives your emotions release from the day-to-day tribulations of living. Your imagination is capable of quite a great deal if you will simply keep it in check and not allow it to run away from you.

Work that serves only your own narrow personal interests does not satisfy you. You need something more in your life than just living for yourself. You may lack the competitive edge, the fighting spirit, the me-first attitude that is often required for material advancement and success. Of course you simply may not have much earthly ambition. You also have the tendency to either overestimate or underestimate your own power and abilities. There is deception and self-delusion present, either on your part or on the part of others that you come into contact with. You are an easy target for swindlers and con-men because you are a sucker for a sob story. You must realize that most people have to learn to help themselves. You cannot save the world, as much as you might like to do so. The only one you can save is yourself. And that is no easy task for any of us.

There is the tendency here to get involved in co-dependent relationships. Either you or your partner or both knowingly or unknowingly play the role of martyr, victim or saviour. You must realize that any relationship that isn’t based on equality is eventually doomed to failure.

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