Aspect: moo opp sat

Emotionally, you’re caught between responsibility and independence. Both have an equal attraction for you. Responsibility because it allows you to express your innate emotional strength and guidance for the benefit of others, and independence because it allows you to go with the wind, remaining unanswerable to anyone. Both these elements can combine, though; and, when they do, you’re as strong as the Statue of

You are highly ambitious, but the real pitfall of this aspect is self-doubt. You do not trust yourself and your own capabilities, talents or skills. You believe that you don’t have what it takes in order for people to like you. You have low self-esteem and low self-confidence. That is one reason why you are so busy working, trying to prove yourself to everyone. You are filled with insecurities and the fear of failure. You are afraid that what you have, as little as it might be, will be taken away from you. You are lonely and have a difficult time opening up and feeling close to others. You think that you can buy other people’s affections and trust. That is not the way it works — you must earn it. You must also realize that others cannot love you until you first come to love yourself, then others after that. You need constant reassurance from others that you are loved, so much so that it may eventually become a burden on your loved ones. There is a strong need for you to re-evaluate the meaning of emotional security. You often feel that you must do something or be something other than what you really are in order to receive approval and acceptance from others. You are very sensitive to criticism and easily feel left out or neglected, and though you may appear cool or distant, you actually care very much about being included in things. Because you are so sensitive, it may seem easier for you to withdraw into a shell rather than risk the emotional bumps and bruises that can occur when you let others really know you in an intimate and personal way.

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