Aspect: mar opp ura

You often feel it would benefit you if you could only sit down and lay out your passionate nature and read it as if it were a document, analysing why you felt this at that particular time, and so on. Well, such an imposition of intellect on instinct is not always necessarily a rewarding exercise. You should maintain a healthy ‘laissez faire’ attitude, then the two realms will more peacefully coexist.

Cooperating with others is not your strong point, but you need to learn how to do so more effectively or you will continue to be at odds with the people in your environment. You tend to be brutally frank, abrupt and honest with people and you pull no punches. You say what you mean and you mean what you say. Your temper can explode if you do not get your way. You need a lot of personal freedom to do things in your own style and at your own pace. Perhaps you should be self-employed because of this. You must learn patience and if you are unwilling to do so on your own, then the Universe will send you the people and the situations necessary so that you will learn. And that is not the pleasant of doing it, on the Universe’s terms instead of your own. You attract disruptive people to yourself in order to learn how to handle explosive situations. You have intuition and can be quite creative if you would simply follow your hunches. You are subject to accidents because you find it difficult to slow down and because you act quite impulsively much of the time. Think before acting and plan your actions beforehand. That is your mission with this aspect, along with trying to develop more self-control and self-discipline.

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